BLOSS Matric Dress Of The Year

Calling all Luxury Brands and Partners NOW is the opportunity – Would you like your business to be part of this phenomenal bespoke event and brand. Yes ?

Well then – Please mail Johan Ungerer Signature Events at – He will make sure its in the details.

– Designers
– Hair
– Make-up
– Cars
– Jewels
– Luxury Accommodation
– Beauty products
– Skin Care
– Fragrances
– Local Trade and Business
– Photographers
– Personal Stylists
– And so so much more

Johan Ungerer Signature Events will make sure it’s in the details at the one and only BLOSS Matric Dress of the Year – Don’t miss out. You only have one.


My Inner Child

Our new theme for October #myinnerchild is a modern and funky pop culture vibe for the young at heart

#bloss #blossmag #blossmagazine #HelloOctober 


Adulthood has a way of taking the fun out of things.  Getting back in touch with the kid version of yourself may be just the medicine you need to break free from the anxiety and drudgery of adult responsibility.

Here are 10 tips to help you escape adulthood every once in a while –

1. Make new friends outside of work and family.

As we grow up, we tend to make less new friends and spend less time with the few lifelong ones we’ve made as kids or teenagers, most obviously because of our commitments to our jobs and families. Try joining a volunteer group or a club in your local community to meet some new people and make new friends that you can hang out with after work and on the weekends.

2. Stay out in the rain, and enjoy getting wet!

Adults are always fretting about the weather. Any conditions that make getting from point A to point B difficult is worth complaining about, am I right? Not so for kids. Kids love to play in the rain, stomp in puddles and get wet. When was the last time you didn’t run for shelter when you got caught in the rain?!

3. Ride a bike just because you can.

Too many of us spend ridiculous amounts of time sitting in cars or on public transit these days, going to all the places we need to go so we can do all the things that us adults needs to do.  If you haven’t ridden a bike in years, there’s nothing better than getting back on one to help you reconnect with your inner child—and get back to being a little more active too!

4. Build something with Legos.

One of the best things about being a kid is that you’re constantly learning, experimenting, and creating art. There’s just something about stacking one thing on top of the other that’s so satisfying. If you were a kid who loved to play with Legos or any other type of building block toy, you could probably spend hours pretending to be a mini architect as an adult, too.

5. Get a coloring book.

There’s been a big trend in adult coloring books lately, with lots of people claiming that its meditative effects help to reduce stress. If your current adult life doesn’t let you express yourself creatively  very often, coloring would be a nice, relaxing way to take advantage of using this as an artistic outlet.

6. Sculpt something with clay or play-dough.

Kids work with their hands a lot. If you have a job that requires a lot of analytical thinking and typing on a computer, sculpting may be the key to saving your sanity. Grab something squishy that you can mold into different shapes, and see where your hands take you.

7. Watch your old favorite cartoons.

It’s not uncommon to look at the popular cartoons of today and wonder why kids love them so much. We all get attached to what we grew up with. Do a search for your old shows on Netflix or online to flood yourself with memories of after school TV programs and Saturday morning cartoons.

8. Listen to music from the bands and artists you worshipped as a kid.

Like the shows you used to watch as a kid, the music you once listened to back then can bring back some intensely nostalgic memories, too. Which songs did you spend hours listening to in your room, with your friends, at school dances or during family car trips?

9. Reconnect with an old childhood hobby.

As kids, we’re encouraged to get involved in as many extracurricular activities as we can handle to help us stay active and to mold our future selves. But as we get older and our priorities change, we tend to stop playing soccer or quit taking dance lessons or move on from learning the violin. What did you do as a kid that you think you could pick up again and still really enjoy?

10. Turn your phone off.

Here’s a big one. As kids, we didn’t walk around with smartphones in our pockets. Heck, most of us didn’t even have internet access! If you really want to embrace your inner child, kicking your tech addiction for at least a day is one way to do it.

This list could go on and on. There are so many things we did as kids that we rarely do as adults. It’s common to assume we all need to “grow up,” when we notice ourselves acting immaturely, but in truth, escaping adulthood once in a while is pretty essential for the soul.

– By: Elise Moreau –

Empowered Women Empower Women

My mission as the Brand Ambassador Development Manager for BLOSS Media is to help women connect with each other to make the world a better place. I have a vision of propelling the effort to build a global community of strong women, who will help one another succeed, and mentor girls ascending the ladder into adulthood. Women helping women: it can be a real movement to grow a sisterhood for a better tomorrow.

From BLOSS Brand Ambassador to BLOSS Youth Brand Ambassador Manager – Welcome to the #blossyouthtribe Leona Kleinhans.


  • “We need women at all levels, including the top, to change the dynamic, reshape the conversation, to make sure women’s voices are heard and heeded, not overlooked and ignored.” – Sheryl Sandberg

BLOSS Africa Editors

Here is the moment everyone was waiting for!!!

We are proud to announce our first 4 Section Editors of 22 Section Editors for BLOSS AFRICA MAGAZINE, launching in September!

The BLOSS AFRICA editorial team is slaying it with some of the strongest women and men in South Africa. Experts in their fields, Queens in their own right!!! Making an impact on their industries. Owning their thrones – solidly!





BLOSS Academy

38057410_1915816798485950_4302891398991970304_nWe are proud to announce that our BLOSS Academy was launched 1 August 2018

This is a live online training platform based on webinar technology. It is interactive with a build-in poling system, gather information and where you can communicate directly with your audience and answer their questions.

BUSINESSES: We can save you 50% and more on your training budget, save you time and now you can reach more people at once.

PERSONAL: Empower yourself wherever you are with online training courses! – 38043164_1915816871819276_4253255587233529856_nWherever you are in the world or at any stage in your life.

For more info, please contact Leaine Lindeque at

BLOSS Academy

#blossmedia #blossacademy #blossmagazine   #blossafricamagazine  #blosstribe #blossom  #bloss #blossboss #blossbrandambassadors  #blossmediaplatform




Matric Farewell is in the air once again! Most girls have 2 special highlights in their lives that they dream about for many years. The first one is their Matric Farewell and the other their wedding.

37812938_1758895807560463_3612306618240204800_nBLOSS is proud to announce the first BLOSS MATRIC DRESS OF THE YEAR competition in South Africa.  Entries open 6 August 2018.  To find out more go to our website –
BLOSS Matric Dress 2018 

We are also very proud to join forces with Johan Ungerer Signature Events, Matric Experience, and HeadLine Entertainment to make this one of the biggest Matric Farewell Dress Competitions in South Africa.

BLOSS Magazine


Live Fashion Shoot Workshop

We are getting many requests to create a way models, students & photographers can learn more about fashion in the media. Aand here it is the first “Live Fashion shoot workshop” in SA!

Instead of shooting our fashion for BLOSS & BLOSS AFRICA Magazines, we now doing it live, in a workshop format. We will be training you on styling, fashion photography, editorial modeling etc. This is an overview course of what fashion means in the media space and all its angles. The in-depth course is coming. 


Please send, share or post. To buy a ticket, here is the link or go to

Online Campaigns

BA Campaigns


We are very excited to say that the BLOSS Media Platform has gone from strength to strength with our groundbreaking initiatives in the media industry, since its official launch in South Africa in September 2017. BLOSS is both a digital media platform and magazine that communicates to young Afrikaans females in the middle to a high-income group. Our social media universe is a one-of-a-kind platform used to uplift, inspire and empower woman all over South Africa.The BLOSS magazine is currently on sale in all major retailers (Woolworths, Spar & Exclusive Books to name a few) across the country and will soon be extending its reach internationally to all South African woman living abroad. In addition, BLOSS Africa will be launched in September 2018. This will be a full-bodied African magazine with an African editorial team, for our diverse female African audience.

When launching a business how do you know where to start when trying to establish your online presence?

And even if your business is already online, how do you attract new customers?

BLOSS_Brand Ambassador_Online Ads 2

Well, welcome to BLOSS Brand Ambassadors Online Campaigns.

We’re a Media Platform and we help businesses establish their presence online through our Brand Ambassadors Programme with our range of services.Our goal is to help you get on track and make the right choices so that your business can shine online.

Web page, Facebook, and Instagram ADVERTISING

Our online advertising campaign package will build awareness of your business by our Brand Ambassadors nationally on the Brand Ambassador Web page, Facebook, and Instagram platforms.

For more information e-mail

BLOSS Brand Ambassadors Sponsors

To all our wonderful, generous and amazing Sponsors,  We would like to thank you SO MUCH for your wonderful, kind and generous gifts throughout this whole year.

Your kindness and continuous support is much appreciated, and thank you too on behalf of all our #blosscoffeedate guests for their gifts.

Harmony Honeybush

Harmony Honeybush Logo-01


Cradled by fynbos-covered mountains in South Africa’s Garden Route, lies the tranquil farm of Balintore. Home to Fanie and Marlene Smuts, the farm offers a peaceful environment where their little ones can grow up surrounded by the wonders of nature.

As a budding botanist, Fanie started planting honeybush as an experiment. After learning more and more about this incredible plant and its benefits he decided to take the plunge into full-time farming which led to the inception of the Harmony Honeybush label.



MooGoo Skin Care South Africa

087 110 0574

In the beginning…The MOOGOO Memoirs

Once upon a time, on a dairy farm in Perth back in 2005, the MooGoo story began. The Head of the Herd (founder Craig Jones) noticed that his mum was using a white paste, intended for use on cows, to help manage a skin problem. The cream was formulated to help keep the skin on cow’s udders in good condition for milking, and although it worked, it was thick and hard to apply. As you can imagine, cow’s udders need to be kept soft and supple, not dry and cracked. No one likes an angry cow.

Since mum didn’t particularly like being lathered in a thick cream made for cows, Craig took on the task of reformulating it to be lighter and non-greasy to help mum out. The name “Udder Cream” was a bit crass for a lady, so they referred to it lovingly as Moo-Goo, (goo for the cows) and the name stuck. Starting a skin care company wasn’t the initial idea, but eventually, friends and family found out about it, tried it and kept asking for more. But it didn’t stop there.  MooGoo has grown to over 40 products to help with lots of different problems.


DMK South Africa

+27 (11) 262 6120

Advanced Paramedical Skin Revision, & Skincare Products

Over the years, DMK’s unique innovations in the skincare industry have changed the way aestheticians view and treat the skin. DMK specializes in customized paramedical pre-and post-operative treatments and resurfacing skin revision systems to encourage optimum results.

Quite simply, we imitate nature for natural results – REMOVE, REBUILD, PROTECT, MAINTAIN – the way your skin is meant to work!


Turbo Freeze

Turbo Freeze
+27 (11) 262 6120

South Africa’s Number One Pain Relief Solution Turbo Freeze, a ground-breaking, highly effective pain relief formulation used by sportsmen and medical professionals is designed to bring quick relief to arthritis sufferers, painful joints and for muscle recovery. Turbo Freeze is distributed and manufactured in South Africa under license by DMK S.A.